Affiliate Disclosure

At Snake Bite Piercing, transparency and trust are important to us. This disclosure about affiliates is intended to provide you with information about our affiliations with third-party businesses and how they affect the content of this website.

What Are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are URLs that track a click from our site to a third-party site. If you click any of the links listed and then make an purchase, we could make a small percentage of the sale without additional cost to the customer.

Why Do We Use Affiliate Links?

Maintaining and updating requires time, effort, and resources. Partnerships with affiliate partners allow us to help support the site’s operations and provide important content for our readers for no cost.

Our Commitment to Transparency

  • We only suggest products, services or brands that we believe will be of value to our readers.
  • Affiliate partnerships are not a factor in the authenticity to our reviews or content. Reviews and recommendations are based on our own honest opinions and experiences.

How Does This Impact You?

By clicking on affiliate links, it does not cost you anything additional. In certain instances you might even be eligible for discounts or other special offers via our affiliate hyperlinks.

Affiliate Programs We Participate In participates in various affiliate programs, which may include:

  • Amazon Associates Program
  • Other accessory and piercing-related affiliate programs


While we strive to recommend reliable products and services, does not guarantee the quality or performance of third-party products or services. Do your own research prior to purchasing any products or services.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding this affiliate disclosure or how affiliate links function Please feel free to reach us via the contact us page.